Railway Performance Society Magazine - Milepost

Distance Charts

At the heart of train timing is detailed information about the route being travelled. For over 20 years, the RPS has been producing distance charts for its members.

Initially this was for the UK and the extended to cover France and Ireland. Charts have already been produced for much of Spain.

Two styles of chart are in operation, for the UK and Ireland a table approach has been used whilst for France and Spain a graphical desing is in use. Although the format varies between countries, the charts provide details of
The charts are printed in loose leaf A5 format, and updated on a regular basis.

Click on the links below to view the two different styles -

RPS Archives

The new RPS Archives Search Engine with greatly enhanced search features to facilitate easier usage from its own dedicated website is now online. This has replaced the old Database Search facility from the RPS Website and can be found here


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